Board Meeting Sep 4 2017
Minutes of the Deer Lake Property Owner s Association Board Meeting September 14, 2017
Proper notice having been given, President Skip Wells called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm with 12 Board Members present and 12 guests present.
The Treasurers Report was provided by Mike Egan and read by Skip Wells. Checking Balance $46,011.05. 5 CDs Balance $44011.15. Membership Dues Paid $7600.00. Fireworks Donations $6914.00. General Donations $3934.00 for a total of $108,603.08.Dispersments included Avista July August Power Bill $40.10 Creek Labs $160.00, Cheryl Ring $78.86 for fish pen day, Prestige Impressions $3963.63, Russ Armstrong $300.00, Pyro Spectaculars $3500.00, Greg Presley $398.20, Parade and Disabled Vets Day, Postal Service $52.00 for P.O. Box, Walt’s Mailing $228.00 Fall Newsletter, Walt’s Mailing Service Printing of Fall News Letter, Total $10,130.12. Motion made and approved to accept report.
Committee Reports:
Arlen Garlic Chair reported Boat Parade to start earlier 6:30 or 7.00 pm. Need a new Chair for the parade for 2018 parade.
Ken Santora Chairon Membership and fish. Ken reported that there are 380 members, and 137 Big Buck members. Fish are to be delivered sometime in October. There is a spongy ball that folks have seen in the lake. Nature’s way of cleaning the lake. Won’t hurt anything.
Mike Philips Chair Reported on Roadside Clean-up and Water Quality. 25 people turned out for fall Road Side Clean up with 550 lbs. of litter picked up. A special thanks to the yellow pickup who put litter bags in his truck, transported them to transfer station and paid for the same. Divers were on the lake in September and will be back in October. Flags used to mark possible Milfoil checked by divers with most not being a problem. Note: persons cutting weeds/plants under the service of the water can be fined for doing
Bob Schwartz Chair of Pancake Feed, Next Door and Deer Lake Apparel reported the following: Apparel Sales $4611.00. Expenses $3964.00. Profit $647.00. Sales came from the Pancake Feed and Annual Meeting. Additional Inventory in with expenses of 1120.00cludes $932.00. Total net profit $1579.00. There are 443 Next Door members. Pancake Feed had 670 attending. Ticket sales $ 3057.00 minus $1120.00 for profit of $1937.00. Raffle ticket sales $712.00 with expenses of $192.45 profit is $519.55.
Shawn O’Neill Reported on the Website: There have been 1200 visitors to the site. Member pages, Board pages and historical pages are being reviewed for adding to the site. New By-Law changes need to be signed for placement on the site.
Greg Presley Chair of Parade, Big Buck Club and Lake Shore Management reported the following: 52 flags left over from project that also includes cups, plaques and such from previous years. The subject of what to do with these items was tabled to the October Meeting
The County is mapping the various lakes for future reference and potential development and or natural reserves. Note: DLPOA Property at the end of the Narrows has been added to the Nature category of land classifications. Those citizens that have complaints about lake management must report them to the Stevens County Planning Department. They will be investigated. The Children’s Parade went very well. Leftover food was donated to Pinlow for use in their programs. Discussions included a potential change to parade format. This committee needs a new Chair for the 2018 program.
There was a general discussion on Fireworks issues around the lake. When reports were made to the Sheriff’s office they were given bad or inaccurate information by the dispatchers.
Skip Wells reported on fall Chipper Days. The event will occur on October 14, 2017. DLPOA is in the program along with Loon Lake Property Owners. He addressed previous fees that were not charged to the groups. They apparently will not be back billed to us. A motion was made and passed that any proceeds profit from the event up to $250.00 would be provided to a local charity to be chosen by both lake associations.
New Business:
The Board approved $150.00 in expenses and mileage for Mike Philips to attend the Washington Lake Prevention Association Conference to be held in Spokane.
Per Ken Ring: Calendar Dates and associated ads must be in by October Meeting. Ads for Calendar are $50.00. Committee Chairs, project heads and Articles for Winter Newsletter will be discussed in the October Meeting.
There was a consensus made by the board that limit outside speakers for the Board meeting to 5 or 10 minutes. Others would be scheduled for special meetings. This will allow the Board to complete Board work scheduled for the regular meetings.
FYI - Fiber Optic Cable is being installed from Chewelah to Loon Lake. Project to be completed by winter.
The Board Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.
In accordance with the by-laws, notice is given that the next Board Meeting is Thursday October 12, 2017 at the Pine low Office. Meeting time is 6:00 fpm.