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Board Meeting Sep 13 2018

Minutes of Deer Lake Property Owners’ Association Board Meeting September 13, 2018

Proper notice having been given, President Skip Wells called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Attendance: 17

The August minutes were accepted with the correction of replacing “his” with “her”in the third sentence of the Deer Lake Apparel paragraph, page 1.

Treasurer’s report: Given by Mike Egan and accepted. $53,656.13 in checking; $44,207.41 in cd’s; dues paid $7,220; fireworks donations $7,349; and general donations $3,739. Payments were made to Avista for area lights, $40.78; Prestige Impressions for Deer Lake Apparel, $2,284.17; reimbursed Bob Schwartz $216.99 for annual pancake feed banners; reimbursed Skip Wells $34.59 for pancake feed orange drink; reimbursed Greg Presley $88.20 for Veteran’s fishing day food; Walt’s Mailing for newsletter postage, $200; USPS for annual post office box rental, $54; and $100 to Ken Ring for 1st place in July 4th boat parade, $60 to Steve Cady for 2nd place and $40 to Lora Ross for 3rd place. Congratulations to all winners!

Committee reports:
Mike Larson, Road Safety and Maintenance: Southwood Shores Road has held up well. Lingo Road Binder (wood product with no salt) was reapplied in late August and the bill for that has been paid. Wayne Cornwell will be looking at the road in early spring to determine the condition after winter. Southwood Shores Road is in competition with 2 other projects in Stevens County for fuel tax money without forming a County Roads Improvement District (CRID). It would be most ideal to chip seal the road without forming a CRIB. County will follow-up on $82,000 commitment to determine what to do next. A petition will be put out by Lee at Julius Terrace to do the same thing they did on Southwood Shores Rd. The cost will be about $8,000 for 1.1 miles. Flyers were put out and 4 signs were posted to remind cars to slow down. Mike requested 2 more signs to post. Motion was made and passed to reimburse Mike $69.63 for the 4 signs. Mike would like to petition the Board to consider a grass roots movement from the bottom up for a partial donation to the road improvements as the entire lake benefits. A motion was made and passed to also reimburse Jerry Rasley retroactively for 2 signs that read “Dead End”, $75.

Bob Schwartz, Deer Lake Apparel and Next Door Deer Lake: Next Door has 497 members with a lot of good activity. As of Sept. 8, total apparel sales for the year were $3,182; cost of goods, $2,284; net sales after expenses, $898 of which $379 is paid inventory on hand. Balance of $898 was deposited in the bank. Banner year for apparel sales! There was discussion about offering beach towels in the future.

Ken Santora, Membership and Fish Pen: 361 paid members to date, 85 Big Buck members. Ken received an updated list of Deer Lake property owners from Stevens County. After this list is massaged, it will be a nice and complete list. Barb Sioux Holston-McKenzie volunteered to help Ken with this.

There will be 15,000 rainbows delivered in mid-October instead of brook trout. There are about 6 otters in the lake and Bill Baker with Fish and Wildlife has some ideas on the otters which are considered a nuisance. Ken and his family are doing what they can to mitigate loss of fish to the otters.

Greg Presley, Big Bucks Club: Kindl is the new chair for this committee. Thank you, Kindl!

Jerry Rasley, Roadside Clean-up: Sept 22. During Jerry’s absence, the east side will be well staffed. Kindl is in charge of the west side. There will be lots of food. Trucks are needed to pick up the bags and take them to the dump.

Mike Phillips, Water Quality: Lake is about 20” below full. Jerry Rasley and others applied 24d chemical to about 2 acres and that will finish all chemical application for 2018. Application of chemicals can be tracked by gps that divers input. Mike sent out an article about a new chemical, ProcellaCOR, that may be more effective on the milfoil and less expensive. It is being evaluated by DOE and may be available next year. A survey pull was just completed and the next diver pull is the last week of Sept. or the first week in October. There was discussion about divers removing plants for swimming areas. Mike says permits are needed and he will check on this.

Old Business:
John Gregerson was reinstated to the Board.

Narrows Drainage Project: Ken Santora reported on blockage of the creek drainage that was created by clearing land in the Narrows. New committee, Narrows Drainage Project, was formed to address this concern. Chair will be Ken Santora and Co-Chair is Mark Turney. A motion was made and passed to authorize up to $1,000 to retain Jim Gleaton, an ecologist and consultant, to look over the area and advise how to proceed. Fish and Wildlife, DNR and DOE may all be involved.

Newsletter: Superb! Thank you, Creator and Editor, Cheryl!

Roadside Clean-up: September 22, 2018

New Business:
Committee/Project Assignment for 2018 – 2019: Finalization of committees will happen at October 11 meeting.

Calendar Advertising: Next month, Ken Ring will bring the list of 2018 advertisers. Soliticers are needed for current and new calendar advertisers. There was discussion about posting the calendar on the website and also on Facebook.

Calendar Dates for 2019 Events: Dates were discussed and will be approved at the October meeting.

Good of the Order: DNR Melissa M. Fisher will give a presentation on the pine beetle and its effect on Deer Lake trees at the October meeting.

Lake Management District Meeting: Will be held after the November meeting.

Little Pend Oreille Natural Wildlife Refuge: Nita reported that the parking area and informational kiosk for the Kaniksu unit has been pushed into October.

Community Event: Nita announced an age 50+ community event on Friday, September 21, 5:30 at Lakeside Church. It’s a potluck and ice cream social to get to know your neighbors. There will a gathering planned each month for a while. If you plan on attending, let her know so that she can notify the organizers for a head count.

The Board meeting adjourned at about 8:48 p.m.

In accordance with the bylaws, notice is given that the next Board meeting is Thursday, October 11, 2018 at the Pinelow office, at 6 p.m.

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