Board Meeting Nov 9 2017
Deer Lake Property Owners Board Meeting Minutes, November 9, 2017
President Skip Wells called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. Board Members Present: Skip Wells, Bob Schwartz, Mike Egan, Mike Phillips, Pam Horner, Jerry Rasley, Ken Santora, Ken Ring, Greg Presley, & Sean O’Neill.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Mike Egan, treasurer, Checking balance $47,322.60. 5 CDs $44,160.57. Dues paid $7,840, Fireworks donations $7,064, General donations $4154. Disbursements: $105.02 for Roadside cleanup crew meal, $181.26 for Mike Phillips to attend the Washington Area Lake Protection Association Conference in Spokane, $20.63 for our AVISTA lights. Ken Ring moved approval of the Treasurer’s Report, 2nd Bob Schwartz. Motion passed unanimously.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Secretary Nita Gregg had an approved absence. Minutes of the October meeting approved. Minutes of the September meeting approved with the following corrections: Bottom of page 1, Lake Shore Management corrected to SMP-Shoreline Master Plan. 1st item under new business corrected to read: The Board approved $150 in registration fees PLUS (says “and” in current version) mileage to attend the Washington Area Lake Protection Association (Not Lake “Prevention” as in current version) Conference. Moved by Bob Schwartz, 2nd by Greg Presley. Motion passed unanimously.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Bob Schwartz—Apparrel, no change, Deer Lake Next Door now has 446 members. Ken Santora—DLPOA membership now at 392. Ken will e-mail all board members a list so any sales of property, deaths, etc. can be corrected before bills go out. Fish Pens looking good, 13,000 good sized (7/lb) Rainbow trout have been stocked. Mike Phillips—The LMD has a full board now. Lake level is 26 inches below full, had 62 inches of snowfall last year. SMP will meet Thurs. Nov. 16 at 9am in Colville. Sean O’Neill—Plans to attach a link to advertisers sites if they wish—no additional charge this year for that service, but ultimate goal is to have them paying a smallish monthly fee. Would like ideas from the board and members as to what content they would like to see on the website. Ken Ring—Newsletter articles due by 11/11/17, will be mailed out in December. Mike Egan will take care of sending the check out for postage/printing. Ken Santora will get the mailing list to the printer. Dock Demo Days still needs a chairman, Sean O’Neill volunteered to chair that committee. There will be an article in the newsletter about this. We will need at least 10-12 docks before we will commit to this project for 2018. Greg Presley—Discussion on doing away with purchasing thank you gifts for Big Buck Club members. Most members don’t donate to get a gift and would rather see the money spent for the betterment of the lake. It was decided to just do nice thank you cards. Skip Wells—39 loads for chipper days, $390 in Donations, no outside groups helped with unloading that day. New fire stations are really coming along, there should be open houses in April.
OLD BUSINESS: Committee Assignments for 2018: Still need Chairs for 4th of July Parade, Boat Parade and Fish Pens. Calendar Finalization: So far we have 19 paid advertisers for the calendar. The goal is 30!
NEW BUSINESS: Fireworks Contract for 2018: Mike Egan will begin negotions in March. Board praised the great show in 2017 & recommended that Mike discuss with the provider options for perhaps a slightly shorter show with a greater variety of displays during. Also would like to coordinate with Deer Lake Resort so our shows would not compete. Approval of funds for February 2018: The Regional Lakes Conference will be held the first Saturday in February at Spokane Community College. Bob Schwartz moved that we allocate $150 to support that local conference. 2nd by Sean O’Neill, motion passed unanimously.
Next meeting will be Feb. 8, 2018 at 6 pm at the Pinelow Office.
For the good of the order:
Skip Wells will be obtaining large framed maps of the lake and requesting of Pinelow that we possibly mount one in their office so the board could use it as a point of reference during meetings. It was also suggested that these maps would be a great raffle item for the Pancake Feed.
New Years Eve Party: Deer Lake Resort volunteered the Eagle’s Nest for the event. Cary Fly Band is willing to play for the party, but the cost would be $600. Sean O’Neill volunteered to front the money to book the band and there will be a donation jar to help Sean defray the costs. If, once again, there are 60 party goers and each one donated $10, in addition to the $5 cost to attend the party, the band will be paid for! While this is not a DLPOA event, most attending are DLPOA members and that is why we have had the discussion at the board meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8 pm
Meeting adjourned at 8 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Pam Horner, filling in for Secretary Nita Gregg