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Board Meeting Minutes Aug 2021

Minutes of Deer Lake Property Owners’ Association Board Meeting August 11, 2021

Proper notice having been given, Shawn O’Neill duly called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Attendance: 24 Guest Brad van Dyne, Superintendent and Principal at Loon Lake Elementary School spoke about building our community with the school. He invited everyone to stop by and visit. Guest Holly Shamberger spoke about volunteer opportunities at the school. For more info. about these opportunities, go to Mike Larson, Pine Bay resident, asked if DLPOA would consider donating money for oiling part of South Shore Road (about ½ mile) to help with dust control. He was representing 30 families in Pine Bay. The total bill for oiling will be approximately $5,000. Dustin Santora, Ken’s grandson, presented a tentative plan for otter proofing the 3 fish pens, including a 3-foot fence to prevent otters from accessing the pen. It will be his Eagle Scout project, Millwood troop. The project will be completed before delivery of fish this year. The plan is yet to be approved by the Scouts and Fish and Wildlife Dept. The Board approved up to $500 in receipted expenses to reimburse Dustin for this project. If more funding is needed, a Board email vote may be needed. Corrections to the May 12, 2016 Minutes: Delete comment regarding “Board raise”, page 2; 4th of July activities - Greg Presley is organizing the children’s parade and the parade ends at West Bay, not Pinelow. The minutes were approved as amended. Committee Reports Treasurer’s Report: Given by Mike Egan and accepted. $41,671.10 in checking; $44,037.95 in cd’s; 2016 dues $7,000.00; 2016 fireworks donations $6,194.00; 2016 general donations $3,825.00. Payments made: $14.80 to Skip Wells for bbq propane; $19.70 to Avista for area lights; $757.83 to Walt’s Mailing Service for spring newsletter; $54.19 for office supplies (ink cartridges and paper); $72.77 to Jerry Rasley to reimburse for roadside clean-up fees paid. DLPOA currently has total assets of $104,209.05 with no liabilities. There are 71 Big Buck members. Treasurer’s report accepted. Apparel, Bob Schwartz: No sales, no expenses. Apparel will be available at the annual meeting and the pancake feed. Shawn O’Neill offered a place to store apparel inventory. Next Door Social Media, Bob Schwartz: Active with 343 members. Crime Prevention, Skip Wells: Met with Wannakawin Association in May to discuss their participation. Pancake Feed, Bob Schwartz: Sunday, July 3, starting at 8 a.m. Volunteers are needed for food prep and set-up on Saturday, July 2. Bob will be contacting all volunteers from last year. Children’s Parade, Greg Presley: July 4, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Everything is coordinated. Ameristar is donating hot dogs and Frito Lay is donating chips. Ken needs help “herding cats” about ½ hour before the parade begins at Deer Lake Resort. Boat Parade, Arlen Garlich: The starting point will be at Pine Bay this year. This change will be posted on the outdoor message boards, Facebook and Next Door. 7:30 p.m. start on Saturday, July 2. More July 4th Entertainment: There will be 2 bands playing, one near Park Lane at the southern end of the lake which can be heard only by boat and the other band at Deer Lake Resort. Membership, Ken Santora: 350 members. Dock demolition, Ken Ring – Saturday, June 25. Need more volunteers. There are 10 – 12 docks so far. Need backhoe, too. Water Quality and LMD, Mike Phillips: Discussion at the LMD meeting for milfoil and how to involve people in identifying milfoil and locating it for divers. Small orange flags were distributed for residents to place on their docks, if they suspect milfoil nearby. Divers will come and take flag off dock so you know they were checking there. Additional flags will be at the annual meeting, Holy Grounds Coffee Shop or contact Ken Ring. Diving days: June 20 and 21; week before 4th of July; end of August; first of Sept; end of Sept and first of Oct. LMD funds will be zeroed out at year-end. The water is currently 1 foot below full. Firefighter Appreciation T-shirts, Skip Wells: Gone through 4 artists and will probably be printing this week. Website, Shawn O’Neill: Been through 4 different companies and the search is still on. Misc, Shawn O’Neill: Convex mirrors have been ordered for the road. Possible installation by July 4th. MedStar memberships have been integrated into Life Flight networks now. Currently, group memberships are not offered, but rates are comparable. New Business Annual meeting and change in officer positions – Shawn is stepping down as President, but remaining on the Board. Nita would like to step down as Secretary, but will remain in position until replacement is found. Skip has volunteered to be President and Ken Ring as Vice President. Accepted by Board. Mike Egan is remaining as Treasurer. Discussion about Mike Larson’s request for oiling part of South Shore Road. Motion to monetarily support failed. Offered support in any other way. Chipper Days: Saturday, June 11, 9 – 3. Free. Last time, 35 trucks showed up. Need volunteers to help. DLPOA will be paying County $375 this time (LLPOA to pay $375, also). There may be another one scheduled in the fall. The Board meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm. In accordance with the bylaws, notice is given that the next Board meeting is Thursday, September 8, 2016, at the Pinelow office, at 6 p.m. The annual meeting is Saturday, June 11 at 10:00 a.m.

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