Board Meeting May 2018
Minutes of the Deer Lake Property Owners Association Board Meeting, May 10, 2018
Call to order at 6 pm. Members present Skip Wells, Mike Egan, Bob Schwartz, Doug Davis, Ken Santora, Ken Ring, Mike Phillips, Jerry Rasley, Pam Horner. Arriving slightly later, Greg Presley and Ron Watson.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking account=$56,232.23, 5 CDs=$44,103.67. Dues paid to date are $5,860. Fireworks donations are $5,844. General donations are $3,144. Transferred from apparel $1,315.18 to the general checking account. $440.20 paid out to Shawn O’Neill for Website and computer fees. Stevens County Professional Firefighters Local 4333 was paid $255.68 for banners. $200 paid to Walts for newsletter. $20.34 paid to Avista for area lights. Ken Ring moved to approve, seconded by Bob Schwartz, passed unanimously.
Approval of the minutes from April 12, 2018. Ken Ring moved for approval with the following addition: Mike Phillips and Shawn O’Neill have tendered their resignations from the DLPOA Board, effective August, 2018. Seconded by Bob Schwartz. Motion passes unanimously.
Fireworks—Mike E: On track, but still waiting to hear from PyroTech as to who will be the lead guy. Cost will be $8,000 which is $1,000 more than the $7,000 for 2017. Will be a bigger, more colorful show!
Next Door—Bob Schwartz: 458 members
Pancake Feed—Bob Schwartz: will be Sunday morning, 7/1/18. We are looking for lots of volunteer help.
Apparel—Bob Schwartz: The new summer t-shirt was shown and can be pre-ordered for family reunions, etc.
Sheriff lake patrols—Bob Schwartz: Unfortunately they do not have the staff to help us even if we paid the salaries of the deputies. If staffing levels change, they would consider our offer.
Facebook—Ken Ring: Currently at 774 members
Roadside Cleanup—Mike Phillips, Jerry Rasley & Ken Ring: Will take place 5/19/18. We will need more volunteers because a county program has expired, so we will no longer have that help. Due to the resignation of Mike P, someone else will need to take over this project in the fall. Ken R stated that there was a small stray derelict dock and some dock foam near the public boat launch. He & Jerry R & anyone else should meet Sat. 5/12 in the morning to get this area cleaned up.
Lake levels—Mike Phillips: Lake level is currently 10 inches above full.
LMD—Mike Phillips: meeting of the LMD will immediately follow the DLPOA meeting tonight.
Milfoil abatement—Mike Phillips: Patrols will be out the end of June, the last week of August, & the first week of October. Kevin Schroeder will apply milfoil killer as needed. He only charges us for the materials and donates his time to help us out.
Public Boat Ramp Repairs—Mike Phillips: The state would like to extend the concrete out deeper, but no funds are available at this time. Mike P will come back to us with costs in case we would choose to fund the project. Greg Presley stated that this issue was a point of discussion at the last Shoreline Management Meeting.
Parade—Greg Presley: Mailed out donation request letters today. Steve Ridler & Chaz will again provide music. Ken Scott will be the Grand Marshall of the parade this year.
Big Bucks Club—Greg Presley: 74 members so far this year. Greg passed around an example of the thank you card we will be using this year instead of spending money on gifts.
Veterans Fishing Day—Greg Presley: June 28, 2018 and July 19, 2018 and August 16, 2018
DLPOA membership—Ken Santora: 297 members paid to date
Fish report—Ken Santora: Fishing is good
Newsletter—Ken Ring: Cheryl needs articles no later than May 10, 2018
Boat Parade—Chairs Lorraine & Ken Scott: Report via Skip—The boat parade will start at Deer Lake Resort. They would like to do prizes for best decorated boats. Moved by Bob S. that we allocate $100 for 1st place, $60 for 2nd place & $40 for 3rd place. Seconded by Ken S, motion passed unanimously. Lorraine has some ideas for controlling the water fights & balloons for those who don’t want to be involved in that.
Special Roads Meeting—May 16, 2018 at 6 pm at the Loon Lake School—This is a DLPOA board meeting so we need to make an effort to be there. There have been lots of notices and Mike Larson has been diligently working on putting this together.
EMS Transport meeting—Skip Wells: Skip spoke to the way the ambulance system works in our county. He said we will probably have a levy on the ballot in the fall.
State DNR Fire Protection Strategic Plan—Skip Wells: At a recent workshop, Skip found out that there may be money available to help clear trees around homes. DNR will be making some changes to their operations.
Election of Officers: Move this item to new business for the June 14, 2017 meeting. Skip is willing to remain in his position of President for next year, Bob S is willing to remain VP, & Mike E agrees to continue as treasurer. It is hoped that Nita G will continue as secretary. No other members of the board came forward to volunteer.
Chipper Day—Skip Wells: Saturday, June 2, 2018. Folks are asked to pay $10 per load & $20 for big trucks.
Meeting adjourned 8:28 pm
Minutes Respectfully submitted by Pam Horner, filling in for Secretary Nita Gregg