Board Meeting May 11 2017
Minutes of Deer Lake Property Owners’ Association Board Meeting May 11, 2017
Proper notice having been given, President Skip Wells called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Attendance: 20
The April minutes were accepted with the correction of Shoreline Master Plan (instead of Shoreline Mgmt Program in paragraph 7) and the May Board meeting date recorded as May 11, not May 12.
Treasurer’s report: Given by Mike Egan and accepted. $48,544.34 in checking; $44,101.18 in cd’s; dues paid $6,320.00; fireworks donations $6,174.00; and general donations $2,594.00. Payments were made to Brian Barber, $100 for neighborhood security cameras; Wind Wireless, $150 for one-year web hosting; Avista $20.50, for 2 area lights and Walt’s Mailing $836.20, for spring newsletter.
Committee reports:
Bob Schwartz on Next Door Deer Lake, Pancake Feed, and Deer Lake Apparel: Next Door currently has 399 members. The Coils of Pinelow Park have again graciously confirmed use of Pinelow’s dining hall for the pancake feed on July 2nd. New signs announcing the event will be posted roadside one week prior. Apparel numbers did not change from last month. A motion was made and approved to sign up for Square D technology to enable credit card sales on apparel at the upcoming annual meeting and the pancake feed and to set up a separate apparel account at Washington Trust Bank for the deposits received. The technology attaches to a cell phone and 2.78% is charged per transaction. A second motion was made and approved to sell to Pinelow Park, at our cost, any DLPOA apparel for resale in their new general store. A third motion was made and approved to place existing apparel inventory in the store on a consignment contract.
Mike Egan on Fireworks Display: Donations are strong this year. Yellow chemical lights were acquired for the fireworks dock for better visibility of the dock.
Ken Santora on Membership and Fish Pens: Currently 316 members. The fish have been released from the Santora pen.
Pam Horner on Social Media: She will post the May 13 roadside cleanup and May 20 chipper days on social media. Also, clothed Kaniksu Ranch open house on June 4 (noon – 3pm) and all are welcome.
Mike Phillips on Roadside Cleanup and Water Quality: Roadside cleanup is Saturday, May 13. East side volunteers meet at the fire station and west side volunteers meet at North Deer Lake Road/Agar and Grouse Creek junction at 8am. There was a miscommunication with lab testing costs for water quality. Instead of $80 total, the cost will be $160. A motion was made and carried to make up the difference between the 2 amounts, approving an additional $80. The latest testing shows higher phosphorus and nitrogen levels (from 2014); more detail will follow. The water level is 7.5” above full and still flowing out.
Ken Ring on Fish Pens and Dock Demolition: Fish were released from the Ring’s 2 pens on Saturday, May 6. Two holes were discovered in one pen so those fish escaped. Fifteen volunteers were there to help wash the fish nets. Thank you very much, brave volunteers! No dock demolition is planned for 2017, but there is an open chair position on that committee. If interested, please contact Ken.
Greg Presley on Big Bucks Club, Veteran’s Fishing Days and Shoreline Master Plan: Currently 72 Big Bucks members. They will receive one-of-a-kind DLPOA flags. Very nice! There were 100 ordered so leftover flags can be sold. There were duty charges and additional taxes incurred for a total cost of $1,056.38. Motion was made and carried to reimburse Greg for the unexpected costs of $111.38. Thank you for taking care of that, Greg! DLPOA is hosting the Vets to fish on Thursday, June 22. Volunteers are welcome to show up around 9:30 am at West Bay. Mike Phillips and Greg and Karen Presley attended the recent Shoreline Master Plan meeting. Property designations are being made by the County. An ad hoc committee consisting of Mike Phillips, Greg Presley, Doug Hammond, Barbara Sioux Holston-McKenzie, Skip Wells and Nita Gregg was formed to study laws and other scenarios, etc. regarding conservancy versus natural designation for the 22 acres owned by DLPOA. General discussion was in favor of the conservancy status.
Jerry Rasley, Roadside Cleanup: Jerry’s famous chili and hot dogs will be served after the clean-up. Kevin Schoeder volunteered his truck to pick up the trash collected. Thank you, Kevin!
Shawn O’Neill on Web Site and By-laws:
Moving along and tailoring how we want the site to be. Twenty-five members have requested authorization to the members page. As a 501c3 entity, DLPOA is eligible for discounted technology. Motion was made and approved to amend bylaw 5.4 to change annual meeting date (from June) to June, July or August. This change will not affect June 10th annual meeting date of this year, however. Discussion about bylaw change voting on the website after a 10-day notice of the proposed change. Motion was made and carried to amend bylaw 5.8 to add that electronic notice is permissible. Nature of any amendment will be posted 10 days before proposed change. These changes will be posted on the new website, Next Door and Facebook.
Skip Wells on Emergency Services and Chipper Days: Skip met with Dept of Emergency management regarding wake zone signs. May be able to get the County to buy the signs and/or posts to display at common areas. Volunteers are needed for chipper days on May 20, 9am – 3pm. The County may pick up the cost this time, but donations are accepted.
New Business:
Officers were nominated and approved for next year, to be ratified at the annual meeting. President Skip Wells, Vice President Bob Schwartz, Treasurer Mike Egan and Secretary Nita Gregg.
New projects: Discussion of an end-of-summer community picnic/party. More discussion at the June meeting.
Bylaw changes: Motion was made and approved that we change bylaw 11.1 to require only 1 current DLPOA officer signature on checks, instead of 2 signatures. Also, an amendment that anything in excess of $5,000 will require 2 officer signatures.
Motion was made and carried to spend no more than $1,600 to purchase 2 laptops, one for the treasurer and one for the secretary.
Nita Gregg shared information about the Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge Kaniksu Unit, at the north end of the lake. The refuge may be placing a kiosk out there this summer with a map of the 720 acres that they own.
Annual meeting is June 10, 2017 at 10am at the fire station.
The Board meeting adjourned at about 8:58 p.m.
In accordance with the bylaws, notice is given that the next Board meeting is Thursday, June 8, 2017, at the Pinelow office, at 6 p.m.