Board Meeting Mar 8 2018
Minute of Deer Lake Property Owners’ Association Board Meeting March 8, 2018
Proper notice having been given, President Skip Wells called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
February minutes were accepted.
Treasurer’s Report by Mike Egan:
Bank Balances:
Checking Acct Balance - $59,207.19
CD’s Balances - $44,183.07
Dues paid - $5,340.00
Fireworks Donations - $4,945.00
General Donations - $2,829.00
Expenses Paid:
Avista - $20.44
Property Taxes - $156.75
Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Committee Reports:
Fireworks by Mike Egan - waiting for a new proposal from PYRO Spectaculars fireworks. Will also inquire into possibility of larger displays/mortars.
Nextdoor by Bob Schwartz - 453 members
DLPOA Apparel by Bob Schwartz - $902.00 inventory carried at present – fully paid.
Chipper Days - June 2nd and October 20th of 2018
Dock Demolition by Shawn O’Neill - Need more docks to schedule a date. At present there are only three on the list.
Bylaws Update by Shawn O’Neill – obtaining board signatures for Amended Bylaws passed in June at our 2017 Annual Meeting.
Newsletter by Ken Ring - Articles needed to be to Cheryl Ring by May 10th. Newsletter to go out in late May.
Fourth Of July 4th Activities:
Pancake Feed – Sunday- July 1st.
Boat Parade – Wed – July 3rd - a suggestion to award prizes for the best decorated boat. Will be looked into.
Fireworks – Wed – July 3rd
Community Parade – Thursday – July 4th.
Membership - 267
Lake/Sheriff Boat Patrols by Bob Schwartz - Patrols for high use and week-end for the lake would depend on availability of marine sheriff officers. Cost is not set pending man power availability.Sheiff looking into the situation.
New Business:
Annual meeting- August 11th – perhaps meeting could be held at new fire station community room.
Roads and Safety Committee by Mike Larson - Possibility of putting petition on DLPOA website for better axes to members to sign electronically in support of dust control on roads.
Wakeboard Contest - Looking at a possibility of a wakeboard event in August to focus on young adults. Shawn O’Neil and Ken Santora agreed to chair the event.
In accordance with the bylaws, notice is given that the next Board meeting is Thursday, April 12, 2018, at the Pinelow office
Meeting closed at 7:55pm by Skip Wells
Minutes submitted by Barb Sioux Holston-McKenzie