Board Meeting Mar 11 2021
Minutes of Deer Lake Property Owners’ Association Board Meeting March 11, 2021
Proper notice having been given, President, Skip Wells, called the meeting to order at 6:11 p.m.
Attendance: Total of 10 board members in attendance via Zoom video platform. Neil Andersen, Bob
Schwartz, Phil Bray, Greg Presley, Skip Wells, Jerry Rasley, Ken Ring, Ken Santora, Mike Egan & Pam
With 10 board members in attendance there was a Quorum present.
Thank you Neil Andersen for again sending out the virtual meeting invitation.
Approval of December 10, 2020 Meeting Minutes: Upon motion by Greg Presley, seconded by Pam
Horner, it was unanimously voted to approve the revised meeting minutes of December 10, 2020 without
further changes.
Approval of February 11, 2021 Meeting Notes: Upon motion by Pam Horner, seconded by Greg Presley,
it was unanimously voted to approve the revised meeting notes of February 11, 2021 (called “notes” as
opposed to “minutes” as no quorum was present at the meeting) without further changes.
Approval of December 8, 2020, February 5, 2021 & March 9, 2021 Treasurer’s Reports: Treasurer
Mike Egan distributed his December, February and March Treasurer’s Reports electronically to all board
members prior to this meeting. Upon motion by Bob Schwartz, seconded by Pam Horner, it was
unanimously voted to accept his December 8, 2020 report without changes. Upon motion by Greg Presley,
seconded by Bob Schwartz, it was unanimously voted to accept his February 5, 2021report without
changes. Upon motion by Greg Presley, seconded by Pam Horner, it was unanimously voted to accept his
March 9, 2021 report without changes. Thank you Mike E. and also Mike Phillips for sending out the
electronic versions before the meeting.
Noel Easement Request – the request by Mr. Noel for an easement on DLPOA vacant property located at
the north end of the narrows was discussed. It was noted the refuge area just to the north welcomed Mr.
Noel and his students. Upon motion by Ken Ring, seconded by Pam Horner, it was unanimously voted to
respectfully decline Mr. Noel’s request. Skip Wells will follow up with Mr, Noel and inform him of the
Board’s decision.
DLPOA New Secretary – Nita Gregg: Upon motion by Ken Ring, seconded by Jerry Rasley, Nita Gregg
was nominated and elected unanimously to fill the vacant officer position when Mark Turney resigned the
Board last month.
DLPOA Website Update: Pam Horner continues her efforts to obtain a website designer. She has reached
out to several individuals to no avail. We thank Pam for her endless efforts on our behalf. We know it is a
tough task to accomplish and we are grateful for her help.
DLPOA Reader Boards: Kevin Schroeder reports the sign refurbishments have been completed and are
ready for installation. In the coming weeks as we enter Spring he will coordinate the installation volunteers
so they can be installed. Thank you Kevin !!!
DLPOA Summer Events Update: Greg Presley reported it looks promising we can hold the 4th of July
Parade event. Mike Egan reported the 4th of July Fireworks show is also being planned. Bob Schwartz
reported the Pancake Feed is still undecided due to Covid 19 indoor dining restrictions. The board
discussed the various events. We will continue to monitor pandemic restrictions as we move closer to the
summer. 2
DLPOA In Person Board Meetings: Skip Wells reported with the anticipated easing of restrictions there
is a possibility the Board can return to in person meetings so long as the social distancing and mask
mandates are being followed. Greg Presley volunteered to ask Ron & Nicki Coil if we could possibly use
their dining room facility. He will report back to Skip Wells.
DLPOA Flyer: Cheryl Ring sent an email prior to the meeting to all board members suggesting we send a
one-page flyer listing our upcoming Roadside Cleanup, Dock Demo and Chipper Days. This flyer would be
in addition to the summer newsletter that is typically mailed out by June 14th. Articles for the flyer are due
no later than April 12th. Upon motion by Pam Horner, seconded by Ken Ring, it was unanimously voted in
favor of the flyer. Thank you Cheryl Ring for the insight and advice not to mention your continued hard
work in putting the flyer together for us.
DLPOA Dock Demo: Phil Bray reported there has not been much response from volunteers for the dock
demolition. He will add a post to Nextdoor to try and garner more support.
In accordance with the bylaws, notice is given that the next Board meeting is Thursday, April 8, 2021
at 6:00 pm. It will be virtual via the Zoom platform observing Covid 19 precautions as well as
possibly also have an in-person option.
The Board meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.
Respectfully Submitted by Bob Schwartz, Temporary Secretary