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Board Meeting April 13 2017

Minutes of Deer Lake Property Owners’ Association Board Meeting April 13, 2017

Proper notice having been given, President Skip Wells called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Attendance: 26

The March minutes were accepted with the correction of LMD (Lake Management District) instead of LND.

Treasurer’s report: Given by Mike Egan and accepted. $52,388.89 in checking; $44,101.21 in cd’s; dues paid $5,640.00; fireworks donations $5,130.00; general donations $2,414.00. Payments were made to Avista for two area lights for March and April $40.10; Stevens County Treasurer for 2017 property taxes $136.41; Pyro Tech for 2017 fireworks display $3,500 (deposit), $7,000 will be total; Walt’s Mailing Service for newsletter postage $150; Red Shield Insurance Company for commercial liability policy $673; Ken Ring for Larry Nokes’ condolence gift card and 2017 calendar postage $95. All calendar advertisers are paid up, a total of 33.

Guest Speaker, Stevens County Commissioner, Don Dashiell: A no-wake zone ordinance would be added responsibility to the Sheriff. For now, anyone can post into their dock with a no-wake sign (good for 100 feet). If there is a violation, contact the Sheriff. Or post on legal buoy. Additional signage at public launch to educate and remind boaters to go slow because of lake levels is a good idea, too.

Committee reports:
Bob Schwartz on Next Door Deer Lake, Pancake Feed, Deer Lake Apparel: – Pancake feed is Sunday, July 2. Same protocol as last year. Next Door members total 387. Other nearby neighborhoods can now connect with Deer Lake, but you can opt them out when posting. No apparel sales nor expenses yet for 2017. Ideas for annual apparel (“This is My Lake Shirt”) were presented.

Ken Santora on Membership and Fish Pens: DLPOA membership is 283. Cold weather had effect on weight of fish. Normal weights are 7 fish per pound; recent weighing (of 99 fish) was 10 fish per pound. Fish and Game asked to wait until early May to release them to prevent them from going into the outlet. Fish and Game also dumped some fish in the lake last week. There have been no otter thefts from the pen.

Mike Phillips on Roadside Cleanup and Water Quality: Roadside cleanup is May 13th, at 8am. Contact Mike or Jerry Rasley with questions. Chili and hot dogs afterwards. Looking for volunteer to pick up collected garbage and take it to the dump since there will be no Salvation Army truck offered this year. Shoreline Mgmt Program meeting at the Commissioner’s office at 9am on Thursday, April 20, in Colville. If anyone has questions for this meeting, Greg Presley will take questions to meeting. Motion was made and accepted to pay $80 to lab test water samples for phosphorus and nitrogen levels. That is what kills lakes. The LMD committee will discuss testing for milfoil hybrid ($100 for DNA sample; 5 samples needed) when divers pull samples. LMD would pay for it. First diver survey will be the week before July 4th, if the water is not still cloudy.

Ken Ring on Calendar, Newsletter, Facebook and Fish Pens: – Thank you’s to Jan Davis, Ron Watson and Steve Gregg for handing out calendars and collecting monies from advertisers! Ken gave detailed analysis of 2016 newsletter and calendar expenses and income generated. The total cost to print and mail 3 newsletters and the calendar was $3,047 (that is less the ads income of $1,850). All property owners get the newsletter and calendar and there are approximately 400 DLPOA members (in 2016) so the cost to DLPOA members is about $7.61 per member. The $3,047 expense generates approximately $15,000 in membership contributions. And that doesn’t figure in the time that Cheryl Ring puts into editing the newsletter and the calendar. Thank you very much Cheryl and Ken! Facebook members total 677. There will be a big party at the Ring’s home on Saturday, May 6, at 10 am to release the fish and wash the nets. About 20 people are needed and it will take approximately 2 hours. Please help!

Greg Presley on Veteran’s Fishing Days, Children’s Parade, and Big Bucks Club: The children’s parade will be on Tuesday, July 4th. West Bay is hosting the disabled Vets for fishing on 2 days this year. DLPOA will pick up the other 2 days in June and August. A motion was made and accepted to pay up to $500 for expenses for these fishing days and host 2 lunches for the Veterans. Big Bucks Club idea this year is a 3x5 polyester flag. Motion made and accepted to spend $945 (includes shipping) to purchase 100 double-sided flags at $750. Remaining flags not distributed to Big Bucks Club members can be sold.

Shawn O’Neill on Web Site Development: Introduction, instruction and discussion about the new web site. Motion made to approve the new website in the format that Shawn presented (with discussed ideas and revisions) and accept the expense of no more than $20 per month to publish the website, including hosting and domain fees. The new site will be live very soon. Awesome job and enthusiasm, Shawn! Thank you!

Skip Wells on Emergency Services and Chipper Days: See Don Dashiell’s discussion on no-wake zone process above. Construction of 2 new fire stations may begin this summer with opening dates of next year. It’s very important to clear your homes of debris for fire security. Chipper Day will be May 20th and donations will be accepted for using this service.

Old Business:
Skip Wells on Avista Natural Gas Update: There will be no more natural gas lines installed around the lake. Cost prohibitive and too much rock.

New Business:
Mary Schroeder passed away.
The outlet ditch will need to be cleaned soon. Volunteers needed.
Pam Horner is the New Events Manager (for social media). Yeah, Pam!

The Board meeting adjourned at about 9:25 p.m.

In accordance with the bylaws, notice is given that the next Board meeting is Thursday, May 12, 2017, at the Pinelow office, at 6 p.m.

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